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Couponing 101

So, you want to start to save money with coupons, but where do you start?!?  It can all be very overwhelming! Don't stress!!!  I will walk you through the process of becoming an EXTREME couponer through "baby" steps each week and before you know it, YOU will be off and running to the bank to deposit all your savings!!!

I get asked often, "How do you do that?" "Can you really save $$$ or are you just spending more to get things you don't use or need?" "Are you a hoarder like those people on THAT show?" "How much time do you spend?"  "Where do you find the coupons?"  "How do you keep track of your coupons?" "How do you know when to use your coupons?"  There are many, many more questions!

Let me address the first question:

"How do you do that?"

In a broad answer, you simply match up the sales at your local grocery stores with available manufacturers coupons and you ONLY buy what is on sale AND if you have a coupon to match up.  For me, it doesn't make sense to spend money from my family's budget on something that isn't on sale or that I don't have a coupon for if the item is a "want" instead of a "need".  If you are OUT of cereal, of course buy the most economical, but if you still have cereal, and they aren't on sale this week, DON'T buy it just because you have a coupon for it!!!

I will explain in greater detail the "How's", "When's" "Where's" and "Why's" behind this strategic system of shopping by breaking it down into simple "baby" steps.  Beginning anything new is hard and scary, but over the next 30 days, I will lead you through the process of becoming a couponer and with patience and practice, you will be an EXTREME couponer saving 50% - 75% (or more at times) off your weekly grocery budget!   It all starts with a single step!

Step 1:  Commit to Change

Step 2:  Find a Coupon Source

Step 3:  Get Organized

Step 4: The Shopping List


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Coupon Lingo

GM - General Mills Sunday Insert
PG - Proctor & Gamble Sunday Insert
RP - RedPlum Sunday Insert
SS - SmartSource Sunday Insert
U - Unilever Sunday Insert
RR - Register Rewards
ECB - Extra Care Bucks
OOP$ - Out Of Pocket Money
MIR - Mail in Rebate

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