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Hello! Welcome to my blog! I am a mom to six kiddos....Yes, I said SIX!!! From 22 years old down to 5 and every age in between! We have always had a menagerie of pets to care for and last year I started teaching Pre-K, so needless to say, I am BUSY! For my family, couponing is a necessity for survival! I have been a couponer for many years to help supplement our food budget and keep it under control. Ever since the new show on TLC, I guess that people would refer to me as an Extreme Couponer or Super Couponer While I do save a lot of $ off our weekly groceries and I have learned a lot from those Extreme Couponers, the reality of couponing is not all that the show will lead you to believe! Yes, there are times that I get free or nearly free items, and I do stock up so that I won't have to spend $ to buy them again later at more money or heaven forbid at full cost! BUT we use these things and whatever I can not use I donate to someone who can and will use them! I have been blessed many times in my life durning hard times when my husband had lost his job by people giving of their own pantry overages to help feed and care for my family; the very least I can do is to pay it forward and help bless others out of my overages from my pantry. It is my hope to share my knowledge with anyone who would like to know how to be EXTREME with realistic savings.

My hobbies include scrapbooking, handmade card making, cooking, and of course couponing!

Find me on Facebook Groups and my page  www.facebook.com/ExtremeCouponingForNormalPeople!

Please read my Disclosure Policy.  If you have any questions, please contact me at christine@extremecouponingfornomalpeople.com


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Coupon Lingo

GM - General Mills Sunday Insert
PG - Proctor & Gamble Sunday Insert
RP - RedPlum Sunday Insert
SS - SmartSource Sunday Insert
U - Unilever Sunday Insert
RR - Register Rewards
ECB - Extra Care Bucks
OOP$ - Out Of Pocket Money
MIR - Mail in Rebate

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