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Saturday, March 17, 2012

How much time does couponing take?

A friend of mine recently asked me, "How much time does it take to coupon?"

My reply was: " It depends on what you want to save. I shop for a lot of people, so I spend a few hours a week. BUT the way I look at it is if I can save my family upwards of $200.00/week I just got a part time job boost into our budget but still home caring for my kiddos and family or doing the things that I would like to do instead of going out and working according to someone else's schedule. (not that I mind working!) I love my job at the preschool! I save way more per hour doing coupons than I do working all week part time. I wouldn't trade either and I don't have to :) You just have to change your way of shopping and thinking. Instead of buying what you are "out of" buy what is on sale and match it up with the coupons that are available for the maximum savings. The "system" isn't hard to learn, it is just a different way of planning out when and what we purchase in any given week."

That question started me thinking and is what prompted me to begin this blog. I wanted to teach others how to "extreme" coupon in a way that would bring realistic and SUBSTANTIAL savings to their family's budget. I will be posting how to tips for beginners as well as advanced techniques for those seasoned couponers who want to take it to the next level. I will also address what I believe to be coupon etiquette and speak to the "shelf clearers" that have been running amok through our stores and giving the couponing community a black eye!

I have been a couponer for many years and never before in all the years of couponing have I seen the practices that have become an epidemic ever since the debut of that show! You know "that" show....TLC's Extreme Couponing. Now, hear me out please. If you are a fan of the show, I am not putting you down, what I am saying is that the show went for the sensationalism and the extreme of the extremes to "WOW" it's viewers. And that they did!

The reality however, is nothing like what was shown on the show. I have gotten free items, and I will be posting those deals here as they come up on the blog right along side realistic savings on everyday items for an average savings of 50%. To cut your grocery shopping budget by 50% is EXTREME in my book! Especially in these economic times! It is my hope that I will be able to help my readers learn how they too can save realistic but EXTREME savings couponing like normal people.


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Coupon Lingo

GM - General Mills Sunday Insert
PG - Proctor & Gamble Sunday Insert
RP - RedPlum Sunday Insert
SS - SmartSource Sunday Insert
U - Unilever Sunday Insert
RR - Register Rewards
ECB - Extra Care Bucks
OOP$ - Out Of Pocket Money
MIR - Mail in Rebate

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